Maryland Carpenter Ant Control Services

What Are Carpenter Ants?
Carpenter ants are large, wood-chewing ants that live in almost every part of the world. They get their name from the fact that they build ant mansions inside of wood, by chewing roadways, tunnels, chambers, and living quarters. Eight species of carpenter ants can be found in the New Jersey area. The most common one is the black carpenter ant. To protect your home from carpenter ants in Maryland, you need to learn about the behavior of this pest, take steps for prevention, and find effective treatment options should an infestation occur.
The New Jersey pest control experts at Viking Pest explain carpenter ants tend to bore holes in and around your window sills, decks, porches, and roof eaves. Carpenter ants need humidity inside their chambers to live and reproduce, so high-humidity areas in your New Jersey home are the most affected.
Identifying Carpenter Ants on the Eastern Shore of Maryland
It is easy to mistake carpenter ants for termites because they both damage wood; however, the main difference between the two is that termites ingest wood while carpenter ants tunnel through the wood to build nests, explain the eastern shore of Maryland pest control experts at Viking Pest. Another distinguishing factor that sets carpenter ants apart from termites is that their antennae are bent. Viking Pest’s certified entomologist, Craig, explains that carpenter ants are also commonly mistaken for common house ants because they share a middle section between the abdomen and thorax but the major difference is the shape of the carpenter ants head. It is in the shape of a heart while house ants have a more circular shaped head.
Carpenter ants multiply at a rapid rate and because of this, their colonies expand quickly and the structural damage they create to your eastern shore of Maryland home intensifies greatly. Eastern shore of Maryland exterminators at Viking Pest explain colonies can number into the tens of thousands with only one queen. The workers are the smallest in size and are identified by their shiny color and lack of wings. There is another type of carpenter ant called the queen’s brood measuring between one-half and three-eighths of an inch. The only carpenter ant larger than this is the queen measuring in at three-quarters of an inch. During the winter months, if a carpenter ant is seen inside, this may be evidence that there is a colony close by.
When Are Carpenter Ants Active in Maryland?
Eastern shore of Maryland pest control experts at Viking Pest explain during the warmer seasons of spring and summer, carpenter ants are the most active. Carpenter ants love moist environments and damaged wood full of mold is a welcomed temptation. The humidity present in the warmer months feed moisture growth and wet damaged wood is much easier to penetrate compared to dry, hardwood. However, if there is no damp wood available, they will burrow their way through dry wood.
Pest control experts at Viking Pest explain if there are cracks or holes in door or window frames, it’s like an open invitation for carpenter ants to move in and build nests. If tree limbs are leaning against the property, they can act as a highway for the ants to reach your home or business on the eastern shore of Maryland. Keep an eye out for areas that attract moisture like bathrooms and kitchens. As long as these areas are moisture-rich they are an ideal environment for carpenter ant breeding. If you notice carpenter ants and are worried that there may be a bigger problem, the best way to get rid of carpenter ants is to hire the eastern shore of Maryland pest control professional at Viking Pest to assess the situation.
How to Prevent Carpenter Ants in Maryland?
Carpenter ants can invade your eastern shore of Maryland home or business in very large groups. To eliminate this pest effectively, it is best to call a local exterminator, like Viking Pest. We have local technicians that are certified in proper carpenter ant treatment. Viking’s pest management professionals know what carpenter ant damage looks like and will fully inspect your property for signs of past and current carpenter ant damage. After Viking’s local eastern shore of Maryland technicians have fully inspected, s/he will provide you with an effective carpenter ant treatment that will eradicate the entire colony so your home stays protected.
Viking Pest Can Control Carpenter Ants in Maryland
With professional help, you can eliminate carpenter ants. Viking Pest offers expert treatment designed to effectively and efficiently control and prevent carpenter ants from invading your home or business on the eastern shore of Maryland. Our use of Integrated Pest Management (IPM) techniques focuses on finding the core of the pest concern and controlling carpenter ants from the source. Through IPM, pest control materials are selected and applied in a manner that minimizes risks to human health, pets, and the environment. Call Viking today for your FREE and NO OBLIGATION estimate at 1-800-618-2847 or schedule online today!