Mice Exterminator & Pest Control

To protect your home or business from mice, you need to learn about the behavior of this pest, take steps for prevention, and find effective treatment options should an infestation occur.
What Are Mice?
Mice are small rodents that can be found throughout the world. Though there are many different species of mice, the most common ones found in your home or business in New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Maryland, and Delaware are house mice, field mice, or white-footed mice. The type of mice infestation that you’re dealing with usually depends on where you live or work. If your property is in an area with more open space near a barn or shed, it’s more likely that field mice have made their way into your home or office. Mice can reproduce rapidly, making it very important that you address the infestation and get rid of mice as soon as possible. Mice tend to be smaller than rats with shorter, thinner tails and larger ears. Mice are smallish in size and gray in color.
How Do I Identify Mice?
Sometimes, identifying mice in your home or business in New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Maryland, or Delaware can be tricky as they are nocturnal creatures and usually only active at night. If the infestation has taken place in your home, you may notice sounds of movement in the walls or ceiling during the night. However, if the mice have found their way into your business, it may be more difficult to identify the infestation as most people are not at their place of business in the evening. If you haven’t noticed any unusual sounds, the best way to identify mice in your home or business is to look for mouse droppings. These are tiny little pellets that can be found in the areas of the house that the mice frequent the most, such as attics, garages, basements, warehouses, and crawl spaces.
Aside from sounds and mice droppings, you may notice other signs such as chewed wood or walls. Some people also noticed tracks in the places where the mice have been running around. There may also be a slight urine smell noticeable if you have a mice infestation.
How to Identify a White Footed Mouse
- White fur underbody and on legs, large black eyes, tails relatively long and bi-colored. Top of body light brown fur
- They are implicated as carriers of Hantavirus and Lyme disease
Look for mice in areas that are good sources of heat:
- Furnaces and water heaters
- Refrigerator compressors
- Under dishwashers
- Near ductwork
- Under ovens
- Hot water pipes
- Basement / Attic Insulations
How Did I Get Mice?
Because mice are so small and resourceful, they can find their way into your home or business through many different avenues. The pest control experts at Viking Pest explain if there are any cracks or holes in your walls, pipes, or foundation, this is a common method of entrance for mice. Mice may even be able to find their way into your home or business via sewer lines. Should you accidentally leave doors or windows open, this is another method for them to enter the building.
Mice are very small rodents and they are capable of squeezing into much smaller places than expected. An opening as small as a quarter of an inch can provide a hiding place or entry spot for a mouse. That’s smaller than a dime.
Why Buy Additional Rodent Bait Stations After Treatment?
Stop Future Rodent Infestations in Their Tracks!
As the weather gets colder, rodents may try to invade your home or business, seeking warmth, safety, and food. Additional rodent bait stations placed around your property help infestations from recurring.
Why Choose Our Rat and Mice Bait Stations?
Our bait stations are affordable and effective. Rodent bait stations dramatically reduce rodents in and around your home when used regularly. This makes them an excellent investment in protecting your property and family from these disease-carrying pests all year-round. If you are ready to invest in a simple preventative measure against rodents, ask one of our friendly technicians about purchasing additional stations today. Keep rodents away for good!
What Are the Effects of Mice in and Around My Home or Business?
Like many other rodent species, mice can carry many harmful diseases that can be spread to other animals or humans, such as hantavirus, salmonellosis, and listeria. They can also spread diseases indirectly when other pests, like fleas or ticks, feast on an infected mouse.
Once you’ve noticed an infestation in your New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Maryland, or Delaware home or business, you want to address the problem immediately to avoid any negative health effects. Business owners will also want to get rid of mice as they are also impacting the health of your customers or clients as they can easily contaminate food and machinery. For any property owner, mice can also cause damage to the structure itself should the mice continue to gnaw on particular areas or nest in your walls, foundation, or roofing.
Mice or Rodents in Drop Ceilings
Some rodent issues start in the drop ceiling, plumbing, electrical, and utility areas. Learn how SMART Digital Rodent Control can help keep your business mouse and rodent-free.
How Long Do Mice Live?
Although wild mice may only live to be between 12 to 18 months in the wild, they typically live up to two years in captivity or once they have found a stable shelter with regular food. Exterminators explain if you have a mouse infestation in your home or business, mice can remain in the building for much longer than expected with regular food and shelter. However, mice can reproduce rapidly, which means that mice infestations could potentially hang around your home or business for years depending on how large the nest has grown.
House Mouse Key Facts
- Small slender rodent, with a slightly pointed nose, small black eyes, large ears, and slightly hairless tail
- Will move into structures in the Fall/Winter in search of food and shelter
- Considered the most common mammal in homes and commercial structures
- Sexual Maturity- 1 ½ month
- Gestation period- averages 19 days
- # litters per Female- As many as 8 per year
- # Young per litter- 5-6
- # young weaned per female- 30-35
How Do I Prevent Mice?
Exterminators state the key to keeping rodent infestations out of buildings is to make sure you’re taking steps to prevent mice from entering your NJ, PA, MD, or DE home or business. Hiring a professional to inspect your home for any openings where the mice have entered is the first step of mice control and prevention. Our pest control experts at Viking Pest can identify and seal up these potential entrances and be sure that all windows, vents, and chimneys have screens to prevent rodents from making their way inside. Pest control experts recommend getting rid of any trash immediately after it has been disposed of as this can help with preventing mice from hanging around your property. Exterminators also recommend storing any firewood you may have in the winter at least 20 feet or more from your home or business in NJ, PA, MD, or DE to discourage mice from nesting too close to your property.
How to Prevent Rodents During a Renovation
According to statistics, mice and other rodents invade approximately 21 million homes during the winter in the US. Besides causing extensive damage, mice can also carry a variety of diseases, including salmonella and hantavirus.
If you are renovating a home, this can open even more opportunities for rodents to get in, especially if it is left unoccupied for certain periods without rat and mice control.
To protect your home and renovating projects from mice, our mice exterminators state how to deter and eradicate them.
Clear up the Yard
During renovations, it’s easy for the yard to get cluttered. Piles of building debris and materials can mount up, as well as any garbage from the remodeling/renovation process.
Unfortunately, this can create a paradise for mice. Mice love piles of wood, unraked leaves, garbage heaps, etc., explain the rodent control experts at Viking.
This gives mice cover to hide in before they make an entry into your home. To discourage this, our pest control experts recommend clearing any unnecessary heaps of building refuse. Stack materials neatly, rake up dead leaves, and dispose of woodpiles.
Get Rid of Garbage and Food
Do you have any full trash cans standing about? Maybe with food containers in them? If so, you want to empty these as soon as possible.
Garbage cans can act as both a food source and a place of shelter for incoming mice.
Seal the House
If you are renovating an older house, chances are there’re some chinks and cracks here and there that mice could get through. Mice and rats and can squeeze through very small holes and crevices and find their way into your home.
To stop this from happening, and prevent mice from invading your home and its renovations, Viking’s pest management professionals recommend making it a priority to seal up your eaves, windows, doors, and vents as soon as you can in the renovation process.
How to Properly Clean After a Mice Infestation
You might think that once the mice have cleared out of your home, the problem is solved; however, if you want to keep mice out for good, it’s vital to clean the area properly as well.
The rodents will have left behind nests and rodent waste, which invites other mice back to the area. Knowing how to clean rodent waste properly requires some level of expertise, as you need to thoroughly sanitize the space and remove any trace of mice infestation.
What’s more, an unclean space also leaves behind any germs or diseases that the rodents might have brought with them. Professional and in-depth sanitation is the only way to protect yourself and your family from potential infection.
Luckily, the Viking Pest Control team offers Pro-Clean, a Disinfection, and Sanitization service to avoid this situation entirely. Viking’s Disinfection and Sanitization Treatments use a combination of several indoor disinfectant cleaning methods to reach and disinfect common and complex to reach areas in your New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, or Eastern Shore of Maryland home or business. Viking Pest Control professionals will wipe down, mist, and use aerosol devices to fog your NJ, PA, MD, or DE home or business from floor to ceiling with our disinfectant solution during each sanitization treatment.
Anticimex SMART Mice Control System
Anticimex SMART is an intelligent, environmentally friendly, whole-house electronic mouse control system that is nothing like what’s on the U.S. market today.
Anticimex SMART Mice Control System operates 24/7, 365 days a year, providing you peace of mind in your New Jersey, Maryland, Delaware, or Pennsylvania home.
The SMART Connect contains its own 3G communication system, while the SMART Eye has a 5-year battery life, waterproof and dustproof infrared and heat motion sensor.
Many aspects of life are “smart,” your phone, your doorbell, your heating system, your garage door. So why not smart pest control? It’s time for you to get SMART, Anticimex SMART. Click here to learn more about Anticimex SMART mice control.