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Mercer County, New Jersey Carpenter Bee Control

Carpenter bees are destructive little buggers. They bore into wood to create nests and lay their eggs. Translation: they can cause a lot of damage to your Mercer County home or business if you have a lot of them. To avoid this problem, you need to understand the behavior of carpenter bees, learn how to prevent infestations, and know the treatment options available if you do experience an infestation.

Residential Carpenter Bee Exterminator | Viking Pest ControlWhat Are Carpenter Bees?

As a large species of bees that can be found anywhere in Mercer County, NJ, carpenter bees can seem intimidating. The males will sometimes exhibit aggressive behavior to protect the female as she builds a nest and lays eggs. Pest control experts at Viking explain males don’t have stingers, but the females do have stingers, and will sting if they feel threatened. Females are the ones boring into your home or business, do don’t bother one that you find at work.

How to Identify Carpenter Bees

how-to-identify-a-waspPeople sometimes confuse carpenter bees with bumblebees as they look a bit similar. Top pest control expert in Mercer County, Viking Pest, suggests looking at the abdomen to differentiate them. Carpenter bees have a shiny black abdomen whereas bumblebees have a fuzzy one. Additionally, bumblebees travel in groups whereas carpenter bees only share their nest with their mate and eggs.

What Problems Can Carpenter Bees Cause for Mercer County Home and Business Owners?

As mentioned, carpenter bees bore into wood to make their nests. As a large bee of around 3/4 inch to 1 inch, these holes are about the size of a pencil. Not only do the holes look bad, but enough of them can cause structural damage to your property or leave it vulnerable to other types of damage in the future.

When Are Carpenter Bees Active in Mercer County?

In the winter, carpenter bees hide in little nesting tunnels to avoid the cold. In late spring, as the weather begins to warm in Mercer County, they come out and start making their nests for reproduction, explain the local Mercer, NJ pest control experts at Viking Pest.

How to Get Rid of Carpenter Bees in Mercer County

A large infestation can cause a lot of damage, so the best way to protect your home is to prevent them from settling one. Pest management professionals advise that they favor unpainted softwoods like cypress, pine, fir, spruce, redwood, and cedar. Paint these woods around your home or business to deter them but watch out for holes before you begin painting. The NJ exterminators at Viking recommend regularly inspecting any wood including decks, swing sets, wooden shingles, and window trim so you can catch them early.

Disinfect & Sanitize Your Home of Business

Protecting Your Home or Business From Carpenter Bees in Mercer County, New Jersey With Viking Pest Control

Viking Pest offers expert treatment designed to effectively and efficiently control and prevent pests from invading your home or business in New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Maryland, and Delaware. Our use of Integrated Pest Management (IPM) techniques focuses on finding the core of the pest concern and controlling Carpenter Bees in Mercer County, New Jersey from the source. Through IPM, pest control materials are selected and applied in a manner that minimizes risks to human health, pets, and the environment. Call Viking today for your FREE and NO OBLIGATION estimate at 1-800-618-2847 or Schedule Online today!