Pennsylvania Earwig Control and Extermination

Did you know there are over 20 species of earwigs in North America? This pest is typically a scavenger insect, feeding on other bugs and decaying plant material. Unfortunately, earwigs are also known to feed on lettuce, flowers, and other garden and greenhouse plants.
To protect your home or business from earwigs in Pennsylvania, you need to learn about the behavior of this pest, take steps for prevention, and find effective treatment options should an infestation occur.
How to Identify Earwigs in Pennsylvania
There are over 20 earwig species in the U.S., so it’s helpful to learn how to identify the type of earwigs that are in Pennsylvania. PA Earwigs measure about 1 inch long and are a slender insect that is dark brown, has 6 legs, a long and threadlike antenna, and 2 pairs of wings.
The PA pest control experts at Viking Pest explain earwigs also have pincers on the back of their abdomen which they normally use to capture prey and for defensive purposes. That’s bad news if this pest has invaded your home and you try to move them as earwigs tend to “bite” with their pincers when disturbed.
While this pinch is typically not harmful, earwigs live in soil and damp and moldy areas so there’s always a possibility of infection if their pincers break the skin.
Earwigs Create Problems for Home or Business Owners
An infestation of earwigs can cause extensive damage to both home and commercial gardens. The PA pest control experts at Viking Pest explain they eat their way through flower beds, fruits, vegetables, and various other plant materials. And, if you find one earwig in your home, it’s more than likely that other pests have found their way in too.
Earwigs love decaying organic material such as fallen branches, dead trees, leaves, mulch and more explain the PA exterminators at Viking Pest. That’s why it’s a good idea to keep a 3-foot wide perimeter around all buildings and structures cleared of leaf litter, mulch, and other plant debris.
While earwigs can survive periods of dryness, they prefer warm, moist areas. If they can’t find moisture, they’ll start looking elsewhere for a new place to live such as your home or business. An Integrated Pest Management service, like Viking Pest Control offers, has effective solutions for earwigs extermination in PA.
When are Earwigs Active in Pennsylvania?
The PA pest control experts at Viking Pest explain earwigs spend most of their time outdoors and build underground nests when the weather starts to cool off in the late fall and early winter. They love damp, dark areas so anywhere that meets that requirement, such as your basement, is the perfect place for earwigs to reside in Pennsylvania.
Viking Pest Control Helps Prevent Earwigs in PA
If you’re wondering how to get rid of earwigs in Pennsylvania, an Integrated Pest Management company will get to the root cause of the earwigs to stop them at the source.
Viking Pest offers expert treatment designed to effectively and efficiently control and prevent earwigs from invading your home or business in New Jersey. Call Viking today for your FREE and NO OBLIGATION estimate at 1-800-618-2847 or schedule online today!