Maryland Hornet Control Services

Eastern shore of Maryland homeowners and business owners know that hornets can be a year-round problem. Not only do these invasive pests pose a stinging risk to your family, friends, pets, and customers, but they also can deter anyone from wanting to come near your Maryland property. For families, this is no fun, and for business owners, this can be expensive. To protect your eastern shore of Maryland home or business from hornets, you need to learn about the behavior of this pest, take steps for prevention, and find effective treatment options should an infestation occur.
What Are Hornets?
In Maryland, the species of hornets you’ll be dealing with are bald-faced hornets. Viking Pest’s certified entomologist, Craig, explains these black and white flying insects can grow to between 5/8 of an inch and 3/4 of an inch long—about the size of a small paperclip. Hornets build large nests made out of paper above ground on trees, shrubs, buildings, houses, utility poles, and in orchards, explain the eastern shore of Maryland pest control experts at Viking Pest.
How to Identify Hornets
Most hornets regardless of species are black and white in color and grow in the 1-inch to a little over 2-inch range. The most common hornets you’ll find in Maryland, bald-faced hornets, fall right in line with this description, with mainly black colors and a size of around 3/4 of an inch to just over 1 inch, explain the eastern shore of Maryland exterminators at Viking Pest. Hornets also have what is commonly referred to as the wasp waist, which is a severe narrowing of the body between the abdomen and the thorax. As hornets are technically wasps, this is a trait they share with other wasps. The waist narrowing is a little less pronounced with hornets, though.
What Problems Can Hornets Cause for Maryland Home and Business Owners
Just because hornets are known to be slightly less aggressive than bees in Maryland doesn’t mean they should be taken lightly. Simply getting too close to a nest, wearing the wrong colors, or using the wrong type of soap can be enough to trigger the defense response from a nest of hornets. Maryland homeowners and businesses open up their families, friends, pets, employees, and customers to the possibility of painful stings by allowing hornets to continue taking up residence close to inhabited areas.
When Are Hornets Active in Maryland?
Eastern shore of Maryland pest control experts at Viking Pest explain hornets are seasonal pests that are more visible in the spring and summer months when they’re most active in building their nests, searching for food, and reproducing. Nest building begins in early spring and continues throughout the warmer months of the year. In the wintertime, Maryland hornets seek warm refuge either under the bark of local trees or in business buildings or homes that they’re able to gain access to, explain the local eastern shore of Maryland pest control experts at Viking Pest.
How to Prevent Hornets Throughout the Eastern Shore of Maryland
Getting rid of hornets in Maryland is a problem you may need to address any time of the year, especially if the pests gain access inside your eastern shore of Maryland residence or business. Using the wrong approach can agitate the nest and fail to solve the problem, which could put people and pets in danger of stings. If you want to ensure you get rid of hornets effectively and efficiently with minimally invasive methods, you should look to employ the help of local pest control experts in Maryland, like those at Viking Pest.
Viking Pest Can Help Control and Prevent Hornets Throughout the Eastern Shore of Maryland
Viking Pest offers expert treatment designed to effectively and efficiently control and prevent hornets from invading your home or business in Maryland. Call Viking today for your FREE and NO OBLIGATION estimate at 1-800-618-2847 or schedule online today!