New Jersey Silverfish Control

Silverfish pest control in New Jersey is an important part of ownership for your home and business. Silverfish are found in moist, humid areas of your home and business including bathrooms and basements. Silverfish get their name from their silver and metallic appearance, as well as the fact that they’re shaped—and move—like fish. To protect your New Jersey home or business, you need to learn about the behavior of this pest, take steps for prevention, and find effective methods of silverfish extermination should an infestation occur.
What is a Silverfish and How Does it Look Like?
Viking Pest’s certified entomologist, Craig, explains silverfish, also known as “bristletails,” are tiny, silver-colored and shiny looking insects that are very active at night. They are named “silverfish” because of their silvery-gray scales on their body and fast fish-like movement style. These insects are hard to notice until you spot bite marks, waste or skin remains in places such as bathtubs, closets, sinks, basement, and other humid locations, explain the New Jersey exterminators at Viking Pest.
These small pests grow to about ½-¾ of an inch long and are wingless. Although silverfish do not bite, they incredibly destructive especially when it comes to foods rich in carbohydrates and proteins including paper, paste, small insects in addition to other items found in your households such as clothing, cereal, paper, photographs, and insulation.
Why You Might Have Silverfish in Your Home or Business
Silverfish find their way into your home while searching for warmth, moisture, and food. New Jersey pest control experts at Viking Pest explain silverfish are common around areas that are dark with high levels of humidity. Silverfish enter the house through the foundation or crawlspaces in your roof space where they settle and continue multiplying once they find a perfect hiding place. The most common way these creatures are introduced into a home is by bringing in piles of papers, boxes, or packages that are already infested with these pests.
Since they like to feed on cellulose, you’re likely to find them in shampoos, shaving foams, and other personal products explain the New Jersey exterminators at Viking Pest.
What Problems Can Silverfish Cause for New Jersey Home and Business Owners?
New Jersey exterminators at Viking Pest explain silverfish are not considered a threat to humans, but they are described as a nuisance pest because of their eating habits. Silverfish will chew through products made of cotton, wallpapers, stored paper, books, and anything that contains carbohydrates and proteins.
Preventing Silverfish in New Jersey
Silverfish have an average lifespan of 3 years which means that they can invade your space for a long time. Controlling these pests means getting rid of all the hiding places including food sources. The New Jersey pest control experts at Viking Pest recommend repairing any leaking pipes or clogged drains and reducing the storage of clutter and cardboard boxes. These creatures will not hesitate from feasting on stored foods, so store your food in properly sealed plastic containers.
Viking Pest Can Help Control and Get Rid of Silverfish in New Jersey
Since silverfish love spending their days hiding in small and humid places, it’s hard to control them without professional pest control. Viking Pest offers expert treatment designed to effectively and efficiently control and prevent silverfish from invading your home or business in New Jersey. Call Viking today for your FREE and NO OBLIGATION estimate at 1-800-618-2847 or schedule online today!