Delaware Ladybug Control

Ladybugs are seen by many as harmless insects. However, in the eastern U.S., including Delaware, a type of ladybug called the Mexican bean beetle causes damage to crops and plants while it eats their leaves. Ladybugs are also a nuisance pest because they come into your business or home, disturbing you, your family, or customers, especially if they invade in large numbers. To protect your Delaware home or business from ladybugs, you need to learn about the behavior of this pest, take steps for prevention, and find effective treatment options should an infestation occur.
What Are Ladybugs?
Ladybugs are a kind of beetle found all over the world, including Delaware. Ladybugs also go by the name of lady beetle and ladybird beetle, and most of them are harmless pests. In some areas of Delaware, they can even benefit humans, especially farmers, as they eat other insects, like aphids, to prevent these other pests from damaging food-producing plants. On the other hand, ladybugs can rush inside your Delaware business or residence in large numbers during winter and disrupt life for those inside.
How to Identify Ladybugs
Viking Pest’s certified entomologist, Craig, explains ladybugs in Delaware are famous for their red, orange, shiny black, brown, or yellow coloring on their outer shells. Ladybugs have oval bodies that are almost round. These insects are very easy to identify because many in Delaware have spots on their backs, evenly distributed across the two sides of their shells. Size-wise, ladybugs are between 1/31 and 3/8 of an inch long. Ladybugs have small antennae and some have spots that look like eyes on the tops of their heads.
What Problems Can Ladybugs Cause for Delaware Home and Business Owners?
Although most ladybugs are harmless, some have been known to inhibit asthma symptoms for those who may be sensitive to the dust from their expired bodies, should they perish inside homes or businesses. Ladybugs can also damage crucial sources of food. One of the ladybug species that can harm human food sources is the squash beetle, explain the local Delaware pest control experts at Viking Pest. It feeds on the leaves of beneficial plants and can, therefore, interrupt the photosynthesis process. This disrupts the growth process of these fruits, vegetables, and flowers around your Delaware farm, home or business.
When Are Ladybugs Active in Delaware?
Delaware pest control experts at Viking Pest explain ladybugs need to stay warm, so you’re most likely to see them come indoors when it gets cold outside. When the temperature drops to under 55 degrees Fahrenheit, ladybugs can no longer use their wings to fly. Therefore, they often head inside to keep warm. This gives them the ability to continue to fly and hunt for food. Even though they’re most active in your Delaware home or business when it’s colder, ladybugs flourish outside during the warmer months.
How to Prevent Ladybugs in Delaware
One solution for ladybug control in Delaware is to seal up the areas they tend to use to get into your office building or home. Delaware pest control experts recommend sealing up cracks near the edges of windows and doors. It may also help to repair damaged screens on windows and doors. After doing this, you may still need help controlling ladybugs. The best way to get rid of ladybugs in Delaware is to call a pest control expert who’s trained to deal with this insect, like the professionals at Viking Pest. We can check your home or business for an infestation and use an Integrated Pest Management (IPM) plan for ladybug extermination.
Viking Pest Can Help Control and Prevent Ladybugs in Delaware
Viking Pest offers expert treatment designed to effectively and efficiently control and prevent ladybugs from invading your home or business in Delaware. Call Viking today for your FREE and NO OBLIGATION estimate at 1-800-618-2847 or schedule online today!