Eastern Shore of Maryland Water Bug Control

The Oriental cockroach, or water bug as it is commonly known, thankfully tends to stay outdoors. However, if they do come indoors, they can present quite the health hazard. To keep these unsightly and disgusting bugs out of your Eastern Shore of Maryland home or office you need to understand their behaviors and good prevention practices. Should they infest your home or office, you also need to know your treatment options.
What Are Water Bugs?
Eastern Shore of Maryland pest control experts at Viking Pest explain water bugs are scavengers that will eat just about anything organic. They don’t have a problem rummaging through garbage or other dirty environments looking for food. Unfortunately, they can go for up to two weeks without water. If they have water available, they can survive up to a month without food — so starving them out isn’t likely.
How to Identify Water Bugs
Viking’s certified entomologist explains, water bugs are about an inch long and have a hard, shiny, reddish-brown shell. Males may have (useless) wings, but they are useless. They have six legs, a pair of antennae, and emit secretions with a distinctly unpleasant odor. In the presence of many water bugs, you’ll notice a musty smell, explain the local Maryland extermination experts at Viking Pest.
What Problems Can Water Bugs Cause for Eastern Shore of Maryland Home and Business Owners?
As if the idea of ugly bugs running around your Eastern Shore of Maryland home or office weren’t bad enough, water bugs can bring some diseases with them. While rummaging around in the garbage they can pick up bacteria like E. coli and those that cause dysentery and gastroenteritis. These can spread around your property as they move through it, explain the Eastern Shore of Maryland pest control experts at Viking.
When Are Water Bugs Active on the Eastern Shore of Maryland?
Water bugs prefer to hatch in warmer conditions, so you’ll see the largest populations in the late spring and early summer, explain the local exterminators at Viking Pest. As temperatures cool, the population begins to die off and they aren’t as common to see. However, you should always keep an eye out as pest management professionals warn that water bugs can be present at any time.
How to Get Rid of Water Bugs on the Eastern Shore of Maryland
Water bugs will mostly stay outdoors, but they will come into your home or business if you leave out the welcome mat. To avoid this, keep food in containers. Dark, damp areas will also draw them, so be sure to keep wet areas dry (such as around the bathtub). Pest management professionals at Viking also recommend avoiding stacking firewood or garbage against the outside of your building as well.