New Jersey

Within the 26.7 square miles of Mahwah, NJ, you’ll find beautiful mountains, crystal clear rivers, and lush vegetation. This incredible cross section of nature is great for residents and business owners; however, it’s also rather inviting to nuisance pests. If you’ve spent enough time in Mahwah and Bergen County, you know there are a whole host of different pest species to contend with. In order to keep your Mahwah, NJ home or business protected, you may need to use the assistance of professional pest control experts with a deep knowledge of the area.
Weather and Plants in Bergen County Bring Pests
The Ramapo River and Ramapo Mountains are two of the more lush areas of Bergen County’s Parkland. However, this incredibly diverse vegetation mixed with the four distinct seasons creates a perfect storm for pests of all types to invade the area, explain Mahwah’s local pest control experts at Viking Pest.
While some pests are manageable when kept outdoors, they can create extensive issues when they seek shelter inside your Mahwah, NJ home or business during colder and wetter months. Local pest control experts in Mahwah, NJ at Viking Pest explain many types of spiders in the area, including brown recluses and black widows, seek shelter inside Mahwah, NJ homes and buildings as soon as temperatures begin to drop in late fall. Those with families, small children, pets, employees, and customers know this is never ideal and may warrant the assistance of professional local exterminators in the area.
Viking Pest’s professionals explain that some of the pests most specific to Mahwah, NJ include:
- Bats
- Bed bugs
- Pest birds
- Spotted lanternflies
- Carpenter bees
- Ants
- Carpenter ants
- Spiders
- Beetles
- Rats
- Raccoons
- Cockroaches
- Squirrels
- Termites
- Mice
- Mosquitoes/ticks
- Wood Destroying Insect Reports (WDIR)
- And Many More!
Preventing Pests in Bergen County
Getting rid of pests in Bergen County requires several different courses of action working together to achieve a common goal. Unfortunately, many pest control companies don’t understand the unique intricacies of the pests in Mahwah, NJ. Instead, they offer cookie-cutter approaches that try and treat every type of pest with the same approach. The result is the need for continuous treatment that delivers little results.
The best way to get rid of pests in Mahwah, NJ is to reach out to professional pest control experts, like Viking Pest, that understand how to deal with each type of pest common to the area of Bergen County. At Viking Pest, our team uses the knowledge acquired over 40 years in the area to create a treatment plan that addresses each type of pest individually. You’ll never see blanket approaches that disregard your exact issues, your exact location in Mahwah, and what your pest control goals are.
Let Viking Pest Help With Pest Control in Mahwah, NJ
Viking Pest offers expert treatment designed to effectively and efficiently control and prevent local pests from invading your home or business in Mahwah, NJ.
Call Viking today for your FREE and NO OBLIGATION estimate at 1-800-618-2847 or schedule online today!