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New Jersey


The township of Union, NJ used to be called Connecticut Farms. It was settled in 1667 and was only the third settlement in New Jersey where the residents spoke English. In 1780, the town resisted British troops who came expecting a warm welcome. They were wrong and were quickly rebuffed by the citizens of Union. Today, Union, NJ is a welcoming town that has plenty of trees, flowers, and natural landscapes to make virtually anyone feel at home. The downside of the various environments of Union, NJ is they often encourage pests to get a little too close for comfort. Pests frequently get into homes and businesses in Union, NJ, and when this happens, it’s best to contact a pest control expert to control them.

To help you regain control over your Union County home or business from pests, you need to hire a company with both the local experience and knowledge needed to handle the unique environments found in Union, NJ. Viking Pest has 40 years of pest control experience in Union, NJ and can help you effectively resolve any pest concern throughout your home or business.

Contactless Exterminator and Pest Control Service

During these unprecedented times, Viking Pest is committed to keeping homes and businesses throughout NJ, PA, DE, and the Eastern Shore of Maryland healthy, safe, and pest-free. Viking Pest is open and providing contactless, exterior pest control services to keep invaders out of your home or business.

Weather and Vegetation in Union, NJ Bring Pests

In Union, NJ the constantly changing weather causes pests to move in and out of your home or business on a regular basis. These pests need to move according to the changes in temperature because many can’t maintain their own body heat without an external source. When they need to be warm, they naturally gravitate toward your home or business. This includes cockroaches, spiders, and other insects. Union, NJ pest control experts at Viking Pest explain even creatures that can maintain their own body heat, such as mice, rats, and voles, often move into people’s homes or businesses when it starts to get cold. Viking Pest has trained exterminators who can help you control these and other pests when they decide to step or crawl into your residence or business.

The various trees and plants around your home and business also welcome insects like termites, moths, and brown recluses. These insects can easily move from the vegetation outside to what they see as a welcoming environment indoors. During the spring and summer months, a lot of pests are looking for new places to set up their nests so they can reproduce. The warmth of your home or business makes it a good location for pests to hatch and give birth to their young, which then grow and multiply, explain local Union, NJ exterminators at Viking Pest.

Viking Pest has experts that specialize in controlling the pests that like to frequent the homes and businesses of Union, NJ residents. The pests that are common to the area include:

Controlling Pests in Union, NJ

The best way to control and get rid of pests in Union, NJ is to hire the right professionals to handle the job. Some companies make the mistake of trying to get several pests with one solution. Not only is this often ineffective, but it can do unnecessary damage to the local environment. On the other hand, the experts at Viking Pest have 40 years of experience controlling pests using treatments designed to target each pest on an individual basis. This approach makes for more effective pest control and a cleaner environment in Union, NJ.

Let Viking Pest Help With Pest Control In Union, NJ

Viking Pest offers expert treatment designed to effectively and efficiently control and prevent pests from invading your home or business in Union, NJ. Call Viking today for your FREE and NO OBLIGATION estimate at 1-800-618-2847 or schedule online today!