Ocean City,
New Jersey

Beaches, breathtaking sunsets, and beautiful weather only begin to describe the fun and excitement residents and guests enjoy in Ocean City, NJ. Unfortunately, this beauty and fun can turn sour when local Cape May County pests invade your home, business, or property. Whether it’s during the hot summers or the cold winters, many different types of pests are active in the area.
To keep your home and business protected and rid of pests, you may need to enlist the help of local professional pest control experts. At Viking Pest, our team understands the unique concerns of Ocean City, NJ residents, and how best to deal with the most common and obscure pests in the area.
Weather and Plants in Cape May County Bring Pests
The last thing you want to worry about when trying to enjoy Ocean City, NJ are pests. Unfortunately, the town regularly sees high levels of activity from a host of different pests. For example, when temperatures begin to drop in late October, large spiders, cockroaches, carpenter bees, and other occasional invaders look for warm refuge, explain local Ocean City, NJ pest control experts at Viking Pest. Unfortunately, the warm refuge sought is often inside your home or business.
The complete list of nuisance pests in Cape May County include:
- Bats
- Bed bugs
- Pest birds
- Spotted lanternflies
- Carpenter bees
- Ants
- Carpenter ants
- Spiders
- Beetles
- Rats
- Raccoons
- Cockroaches
- Squirrels
- Termites
- Mice
- Mosquitoes/ticks
- Wood Destroying Insect Reports (WDIR)
- And Many More!
Controlling Pests in Ocean City, NJ
While there are some individual preventative measures you can take on your own to limit your exposure to Ocean City, NJ pests, you may still leave your home or business vulnerable. The problems with pests in Cape May County are the diversity and numbers of invaders. Because of this, a one-size-fits-all approach will not work to fully solve your pest control problem.
For this reason, Viking Pest trains its experts on how to deal with the unique types of Ocean City, NJ pests on a case by case basis. By focusing on detailed approaches that target the root of the problem, you can ensure better results in a shorter period. For example, if you don’t have a mole problem, a blanket approach that addresses moles will just waste your time and money and not solve the actual problem at hand.
The only way to properly get rid of pests in Ocean City, NJ is to approach each customer’s situation individually. Once the pest types are identified, trained experts can craft a control or extermination plan best suited to the unique needs of the customer. In the end, it saves you money and gets you better results.
Let Viking Pest Help With Pest Control In Ocean City, NJ
Viking Pest offers expert treatment designed to effectively and efficiently control and prevent local pests from invading your home or business in Ocean City, NJ. Call Viking today for your FREE and NO OBLIGATION estimate at 1-800-618-2847 or schedule online today!