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Cockroach Control
in Philadelphia,

The vast urban amenities and easy access to nearby natural areas make Philadelphia a particularly attractive home for people. But, those same factors make it easy for cockroaches to infiltrate your home. If they’re attracted to your yard, they may just decide to invite themselves in and make themselves at home.

Cockroaches spell trouble for your Philadelphia home or business. They’re not just annoying—they can also be dangerous, spreading disease and reducing air quality. If you’ve seen signs of an infestation, it’s time to call Viking Pest Control for Philadelphia cockroach removal.

What Are Cockroaches?

Did you know that there are thousands of species of cockroaches out there? Fortunately, only a few are likely to be a problem in your Philadelphia home or business. Generally speaking, cockroaches have flat, oval-shaped bodies. They move quickly, can fly and have long antennae.

In Philadelphia, you’re most likely to encounter American and German cockroaches indoors. They’re especially attracted to messy areas that provide easy access to food and water. However, the Pennsylvania wood cockroach also can be a concern. It’s a species drawn to rotting wood and forested areas. However, sometimes, unsuspecting homeowners bring in firewood that has a few of these roaches hitching a ride, seeding an infestation in their home.

How to Spot a Cockroach Infestation

Cockroaches leave behind telltale signs of an infestation, even if you haven’t seen a living bug yet. Keep an eye out for signs such as:

  • Droppings: Cockroach droppings vary based on how much water they have access to. Smaller roaches produce droppings similar to coffee grounds. Larger roaches leave behind brown, cylindrical droppings when they don’t have much water. When they do have access to plenty of water, they often leave brown smear marks.
  • Egg capsules: Cockroach eggs are typically brown or red and oblong.
  • Stinky smells: Cockroaches smell oily or musty. As the infestation worsens, the smell becomes stronger.
  • Shed exoskeletons: As cockroaches grow, they shed their skins. You might find small, translucent shells left behind.
  • Signs of feeding: Cockroaches will eat virtually any organic matter, including paper and leather. If you see chewed-up spots, especially if there are droppings around too, it could be a cockroach infestation.
  • Live bugs: You might not see cockroaches until the infestation has grown dramatically. They prefer to hide in dark areas like behind appliances and under cabinets.

How Do I Get Cockroaches in Philadelphia?

Like most pests, cockroaches sneak into homes through small holes and cracks in your walls or foundations. They can also be passed from apartment to apartment if they make themselves at home in one unit, traveling through walls, pipes and vents. If your home or business is particularly attractive to them, they may decide to bunker down, spreading the infestation.

Preventing Cockroaches in Philadelphia

Fortunately, a good hygiene and maintenance routine can help keep your home free from cockroaches by creating an inhospitable environment. Cockroaches look for places that provide food, water and shelter, such as your kitchen. Consider the following to keep them away:

  • Keep your home clean. Remove trash, wash dirty dishes and sweep or vacuum behind large appliances regularly.
  • Fix water leaks promptly
  • Maintain your property and check your irrigation system for leaks regularly.
  • Use faucet screens and drain stoppers to keep them from entering through pipes.
  • Regularly treat your property.

Invest in Cockroach Control in Philadelphia With Viking Pest Control

Your search for Philadelphia cockroach exterminators is over now that you’ve found Viking Pest Control. Our team is armed with the local expertise that allows us to identify the source of your cockroach infestation and help you banish the bugs for good. Reach out now for your free, no-obligation quote at 1-800-618-2847 or schedule online.